Sodium nitrate Model Number: 01304



1. Appearance and properties: colorless transparent or white slightly yellow diamond crystal, slightly bitter taste, easily deliquescent.
2. Relative density: 2.26
3. Melting point(℃): 306.8
4. Concentration: assay: industrial grade first level ≥ 99.2%; second level ≥ 98.3%.
5. Solubility: easily soluble in water, liquid ammonia, slightly soluble in ethanol, glycerol.

Cat.No. Specatitions Package description
1.01304.015 Sodium nitrate AR500g
1.01304.025 Sodium nitrate CP500g
1.01304.045 Sodium nitrate AR25kg/drum
1.01304.055 Sodium nitrate CP25kg/drum
1.01304.075 Sodium nitrate CP25kg
1.01304.085 Sodium nitrate AR25kg/sack


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